How to embrace and implement new tech

by Nicole Konsler

Technology has changed just about every facet of the real estate industry over the last two decades. Buyers can now explore homes from the comfort of their couch, while agents can essentially manage their business from their smartphone, creating eye-catching listing presentations, updating their CRM and easily gathering useful analytics.

Of course, there are agents who readily embrace every new application that comes their way. But for many others, the prospect of learning new tech can feel overwhelming. My team and I at @properties Christie’s International Real Estate have trained thousands of agents on how to use our brokerage technology system, pl@tform, and in these sessions, we have found that most agents have at least some trepidation about learning a new application or tool.

There’s no question that the idea of learning new technology can seem a bit overwhelming — fear of the unknown is very normal! For this reason, and because tech adoption is so closely tied to agent success, we have designed our training to help take the fear out of tech. We do that by breaking the onboarding process into smaller, more attainable steps, which result in quick wins that can be incredibly motivating. For example, our Digital Listing Presentation training starts with learning the foundational features, and then we focus on helping brokers put the tool into action.

If you’re looking to incorporate more technology into your business but aren’t sure where to start, consider the following suggestions.

Start small

Whether you work at a brokerage that has its own proprietary technology, like @properties Christie’s International Real Estate, or you are considering some of the many widely available real estate-focused apps, it can be tempting to jump in headfirst and try everything. Conversely, perhaps the thought of learning new technology gives you so much anxiety that you save the learning for another day, and that day becomes another day, and … well, you get the idea.

It’s important to remember that tech adoption is a marathon, not a sprint. We always recommend easing into new tech by starting small, incorporating no more than one or two tools at a time. As you’re evaluating what apps to prioritize, consider which technology would be easiest to insert into your processes.

Practice, practice, practice

You don’t want to end up in a situation where you’re trying to figure out an application for the first time as you’re rushing out the door to a client meeting. Take the time to work with new technology before you actually have to use it. If your brokerage doesn’t offer formal training, many apps offer video tutorials to help. Alternatively, I suggest connecting with a fellow agent who has more experience using the technology and can share their best practices and help you as you learn.

Keep yourself accountable

As technology continues to evolve, we need to evolve with it if we’re going to use it successfully. And that means holding yourself accountable not only to learning tech, but also to keeping up with advancements and new features as they are rolled out.

Collaboration can be a great tool to keep yourself on track with tech. For example, we have accountability groups in our brokerage in which participants share ideas on how they are using technology to build their business. They work together, discussing what resonates most with their clients, the challenges they face and innovative ways to leverage technology to demonstrate their value, which is more crucial than ever nowadays.

After a few months, assess your progress. Remember that even a single success can shift your mindset, helping you stay committed to integrating technology into your daily routine for the benefit of yourself and your clients.

Nicole Konsler is vice president of pl@tform education for @properties Christie’s International Real Estate.

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