I started a screenprinting and embroidery business with my best friend in late ’90s.
Arkansas and when I was 15 my family moved to Los Angeles.
A business woman. I didn’t know what that meant. I just knew I wanted to wear suits to work and carry a briefcase! lol
Hike. South Mountain is my favorite place to decompress.
Oprah. She has the magical ability to do anything that she desires to do.
The live music scene. I don’t think people know how many great musicians we have here. You can find live music somewhere in the Valley almost seven days a week.
There is so much opportunity. You can pretty much do anything in real estate from sales, property management, investing, marketing, admin, the sky is the limit.
I do what feels natural for me, and I focus on the relationship instead of the transaction.
The ever-changing market. We constantly need to pivot, sometimes yearly sometimes more than once a year. So getting comfortable in one way of selling real estate is not possible.
Start with the people you know. Your friends, family, co-workers, and get involved in your community.
Right now I’m hooked on Tulsa a new series on Prime with Sylvester Stallone, and while I’m waiting on the new episodes to come out I watch Suits!
The Glo Bowl at Flower Child.
I’m a sucker for a beautiful view so I love all of the high rise condos in downtown Phoenix.
I had a new buyer consultation at my office and found out that another agent was working with them too. He saw them in the conference room with me! Felt like I was on an episode of cheaters! lol
That I’m really an introvert!
New Orleans. I love the food and the culture
San Diego. The weather, the beach, the food. That place is just magical and only five hours from Phoenix!
Make sure everyone you know knows you are a Realtor.
Flexmls. I can look up homes on the fly!
Tom Ferry, Glenda Baker.