
Survey: Trends in luxury real estate

What are the current trends in luxury real estate? Take our survey to share your views and check back later for the results.

Take our 2023 Truth About Agents survey

We want to hear from you! With our annual Truth About Agents survey, respondents contribute to a detailed outlook of the real estate community here in Phoenix.

Phoenix Agent’s Top Producer Survey results are in

Does it matter to clients if you’re a top producer? How much production makes a top producer? Find the answers to these questions and more in our survey.

Survey: What makes a top producer?

What are your thoughts on top producers? For our upcoming issue, we’d like to know what sets them apart from typical agents.

Phoenix real estate professionals weigh in on the state of the market

The results are in on Phoenix Agent’s state of the market survey. Find out what local real estate professionals project in 2023.

What’s your opinion of the state of the Phoenix real estate market?

Where is the Phoenix real estate market going into 2023? What will be the hottest neighborhood? We want to hear your thoughts!

Phoenix real estate predictions survey results

In our predictions survey, we asked Phoenix-area real estate professionals about their expectations and plans for 2023. Find out what they had to say.

Survey: Your 2023 real estate predictions

What will Phoenix real estate look like in 2023? Which issues will affect the market? How will your numbers compare to 2022? We want to hear from you!

Greater percentage of Realtors® incorporating Instagram and LinkedIn into their work

The technology survey offers insights into how Realtors value technology and use social media.

The results are in: Brokerage satisfaction survey

Eighty-seven percent of those surveyed in the Phoenix area said they have no plans to leave their current brokerage.

What is your opinion of your brokerage? We’d like to know your thoughts!

Are you happy at your brokerage? Thinking of heading for greener pastures? We’d like to hear your thoughts!

How is new construction shaping Phoenix real estate?

Are your clients looking for new construction? Have you sold new construction homes recently? We want to hear from you in our latest survey!

Survey: What kind of training did you receive as a rookie agent?

Could the industry do a better job of training new agents? Find out what other agents had to say in our newest survey on rookie agents.

2022 NAR Member Profile: Median Realtor income jumps in 2021 

According to the annual survey, the typical Realtor saw their transaction sides rise from 10 to 12 and their sales volume increase from $2.1 million to $2.6 million. 

How do Phoenix agents receive real estate training?

What did you expect when you entering Phoenix real estate? Once you were licensed, did you feel prepared? We want to hear from you!

How Phoenix agents are marketing their listings

Which tools and techniques do Phoenix agents use to market their real estate listings? Local agents weighed in.

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